Monday, December 1, 2008

Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

I'm not really sure what got me thinking about this, but I'm fairly certain it came while I was at church. I got to thinking about peoples actions. Their words. Their justifications. I got to wondering if people would act the same if what we did, was viewable not only to us and our close circle of those we surround ourselves with; but what if what we did suddenly became something for all to see.
What if one Sunday morning you pour your cup of coffee. You sit down in your oversized chair and grab the paper.
You begin to flip through: Sports. No thanks. Weather. Rainy. Obituaries. Engagments. Anniversaries. Affairs. Murderers. Rapists. Liars. Manipulators.

What if you were flipping through and you saw what you thought was your well hidden secret, right there in print. Page 34D of your local newspaper.

Would you find yourself in shock? In regret? Would you feel ashamed? Would you rush to call the paper to report how you are justified?
Would you still feel justified? Would a new perspective have been put on things? - Maybe you did whatever you did just for some cheap thrills. Maybe your mission wasn't yet accomplished and now that you see your plan in print, you are awakened and free to find a better use of your time with little repercussion.

It is easy to think that if my actions and words were put on a more public display I would be a little more cautious as to my behavior. Then I hear that little voice inside me. Reminding me that they are. All we do is viewable.We are always being watched (by God.)
Perhaps it would be easier to keep ourselves in check if we knew that if we slipped, we'd run the risk of being tomorrows reading material for some one flipping through the paper while they drink their morning coffee.

But maybe, as you flipped through your own paper and saw a part of your life before your eyes, you didn't feel anything. Maybe you just sipped your coffee and continued on to the Sunday comics.


Bren said...

Elsie...I love your blog. Way to make one think!! love your Christmas pictures!!!