Tuesday, December 30, 2008

TAG - You're it!

Actually, I'm it.
I got tagged and now I must confess 16 secrets that people may not know about me. Are you ready?

1) I am envious of people who rarely use their cell phones.
2) I want to learn guitar. And then I want to be able to sing whilst playing the guitar.
3) I love the word "whilst" (don't use it too much around me or it will lose it's flare)
4) When I feel really down, I do something ridiculous to make myself laugh out of pure absurdity.
5) I don't like eating in the dark.
6) I randomly get Spice Girls stuck in my head. It's REALLY random!
7) My toes curl when I'm excited or happy!
8) I don't like chocolate frosting.
9)I have a scar on the tip of my second toe on my right foot. Sometimes it hurts.
10) I like shaving my legs. . That's about it though! And I could do without having to shave my knees. I always seem to miss hairs on my knees.
11) I LOVE playing dress up (shocking, I know)
12) Sometimes I wish I were in the 50's. I feel my desires would be more socially acceptable. . and would feel more realistic.
13) When I was little, I wanted glasses and braces. . . I got both.
14) I used to have a tooth in the roof of my mouth. I would get sandwiches with mayonnaise or peanut butter, and jolly ranchers stuck between that tooth and the back of my upper teeth.
15) I don't like yogurt with chunks, but I do my milkshakes (so long as it's not fruit. It's the soggy fruit I can't handle. BLECH!!)
16) Sometimes I . . .
Hey - I can't tell you all my secrets!


Bren said...

Number 16 is fantastic!! Love you Elsie Lou!!!