Monday, September 22, 2008

Short Stories

I frequently hear the question: "What's new?"
I don't know what to do with this question. The immediate answer that comes to my mind is "Uhh.. Everything!" I mean, I'm not suddenly married off, with child, or making a big career move, but I seriously feel like everyday I am a little bit different.I've decided this time in life is entitled: Short Stories, as there isn't one big event, but rather, many little changes going into this new person I'm becoming.
Everyday I evaluate the details that are the make-up of my being. I think about how I could better myself. How I could have handled a situation differently. I think about if the things in my life are going to help me to the path I should be on.
Through the chapters of these short stories, I'm finding this amazing inner strength. I'm finding myself able to move on from the past. I find I am able to forgive.
I feel I am in a constant "wash cycle" so to speak. It's kind of refreshing!
I know soon I will be figuring out how my "quirkiness" fits into all this growing up. Maybe it's a perfect little garnish and I just don't see that yet. This is something I will probably struggle with as it is something I've struggled with in the past. But I know I will figure it out.
I am very proud of myself for all I have accomplished and who I am becoming.
I am grateful for friendships I have recognized to be true. Thank you for taking me for my good times and making them gooder (yes, I said gooder!) and for taking me for my bad times and seeing me through them. I'm sure there are more of both to come - but hopefully more good!
I continue to be excited to see where life takes me. When it takes me across you, and you want to ask "what's new?". . . You know the answer!