Sunday, September 21, 2008

Look out Top Model! It's "Mommy and Me!"

So the name isn't really catching. . And I totally don't qualify for either. I don't have children so that takes me out of the "mommy and me" and I'm not 5'7 so I can't be a top model.. Oh well.. I'll get to the point..
On September 16th I went into work. Just a normal work day right? WRONG. I had forgotten that we had rescheduled our "Mommy and me" to that day (a day for moms and their little ones to get a little make-over, and do a photo shoot. Oh yeah, there's a craft too!) . When I got to work, Laura's mom was there setting up her little jewelery station. Soon after, a Mary Kay gal came in and then Vera (who works upstairs at master cuts) came down to donate some time and skillz.
Andrea was the designated photographer and I got put in charge of crafts. SWEEEET! I love crafts! We made foam photo frames (expect high quality Christmas gifts!)
As the day was winding down, Laura said I should get my make-up done. I agreed, but immediately had to put that on hold as there was girl who will remain nameless for this story (as her attitude was NOT very pleasant) who demanded lunch that very instant. So I went to go get her some lunch and calm her temporary crabby attitude. So when I got back to the work place Laura said asked if I wanted to get my hair done. I said "Ok.." So Vera organized my curls and laminated them with hairspray (ok, that makes it sound like it was heavy - but it wasn't. I was very impressed actually).
After the Vera station I moved on to the Mary Kay lady.. I sat and we talked about my fab complexion (rosacea), had a tiff with the blue eye shadow, then a doozy with the lip liner (I'm sure I gave a look indicating I did not think lip liner was a good idea.. People with a clef lip scar should be very cautious of such things). . The lip liner got removed immediately after application.
After I was uber glamed up, I put on a dress that I happened to have with me. Laura suggested I go find some shoes.. Unfortunately the only ones I found, though super cute, were 70 dollars. I don't have 70 dollars for shoes.
They were borrowed.. And then returned..
That may be wrong. But perhaps so is charging 70 dollars for shoes..

Any how, here is the outcome of my "Mommy and Me" day experience:

YAY! Wasn't that fun?! It's almost like you were there!
I was not expecting the "Mommy and Me" day when I walked into work that day. We had never done anything like that before but it was a lot of fun! I needed a day like that! :)


Rachel said...

hey toots, nice hay stack. ;) *winkwink*
When's the last time you had bangs? You should totally try some bangs. Let's all get bangs! Woo! I love playing model. Do you pay for your photos when you get them done at work????

Unknown said...

You look so adorable and maybe this is just me talking but those shoes are so worth the $70.00.