Friday, August 15, 2008

Uhh... Go team go?

I'm not what one would consider a "sports fan". I don't really care about those things.
I mean, I like to have my little (mostly Meg and I) super bowl party, but that's mostly for the chips and dip. - It also gives me an excuse to wear sweats, sit like a guy, and belch loudly. I know I do all those things anyway, but it's more acceptable on super bowl day.
I also enjoy watching the gymnastics during the Olympics. I love how they can run and jump and twist (and land!) with a grace I will never have. Also, it reminds me of watching the Olympics in TN with my sisters. We had a favorite girl back then "The Russian duck lady". I know it's not nice, but I can't go back and change her name now.
So I watch the gymnastics and pretend to watch the super bowl. Not really "sports fan" qualified in my opinion. I just don't care about those things like some people do. I'm not into it.

So last night I take my not-sports-fan self into my room to see if I can finally catch the gymnastics. All I seem to get is the swimming and volleyball. I turn on the TV and it's the volleyball again. It's the May/Walsh team. I watched them the night before. They're pretty good. I guess I'll watch.

I suddenly find myself laying oh-so-lady like on my bed going "Get it get it get it!!! Oooh!"

What is going on? I don't care about things like this..then I realized, I think I might....

I recently-ish went to PIR with a friend. They had a place set up with cones and what not for people to go around and try to beat each others time. There was a guy giving rides for $5. My friend came up to me and said "Hey! You wanna go for a ride?.. Wait right here.."
I didn't even get to answer.
Five dollars and about 15 minuets (??) later I'm buckled in and ready to go.
Before we took off I asked the driver how fast he usually goes. He said he doesn't make it out of first. Blah. Fortunately, there were some good turns in there that made up for it. The ride was short, but I liked it! Most people wouldn't expect it out of me, but it's true. I like to go fast. And I like some good turns!
Here's an awesome (not so awesome) picture to document the event (this is pre-drive):

And Derek,(he's just a giddy little school boy here!):

That's not so bad though right? Speed. Some people like speed. I'm one of them. I can live with that.
But thinking about cars made me think of this video:

I'd seen it before, but I watched it again the other day and thought "That sounds nice!"

WHAT?!?!?! That sounds nice?! A car that sounds nice should be anything that doesn't go "clank clank putt putt putt putt putt.."

WHAT is going on here? Why am I suddenly yelling at the volleyball players and thinking cars sound cool..

This is just ridiculous.


Rachel said...

I think it's easy to get into things when you're in the moment. I also don't consider myself a sports fan, but I do think I can appreciate sports. If I happen to be stuck in a room with a football game on the tv, and nothing else to do, I'll watch. And then I too will be like "COME ON!!! RUN LITTLE MAN, RUN!!! AWWWW!!!!!"
hehe It's fun to get excited about stuff. But I think there's a difference between enjoying and appreciating, and being an all out, can't miss the game, don't call me while i'm watching this, spend all my money on paraphenalia kind of fan. :-D