Friday, August 29, 2008

OH! OH! OH!!!

Guess what time it is!! Guess, guess!!!!! That's riiiiiiiiiiiiight!! It's get ready and excited for Christmas time time!!!! I am soooooooooooo pumped. There's a small chance I should feel a little down that I didn't really do anything too exciting with my summer. I barely went to the beach - and as most of you know.. my big trip didn't work out. That is a bummer.. And now summer is wrapping up and it's too late. BUT, you know what comes after summer?! CHRISTMAS!!!!!
I am so excited I can't begin to tell you!
First it will start off with Halloween and I get to see all those cute kids in their cute costumes. (Halloween also means "lady appointment time though.. The not so exciting part! "Just relax." Yeah. I'll just kick back and enjoy an umbrella drink while you shove that thing way up in me and poke me with a couple sticks.. "Relax" Pff.. Anyway)
After Halloween is time to eat yummy food. I'll already be in Christmas shopping mode (as I already am) and people will slowly be trickling into the holiday cheer attitude. You know, the one that really only sticks around for about a month and half. But it's there none the less and I love how everyone (most people) suddenly kick up a little more respect for other people. It makes the world a brighter place.
Or is the all the lights? I love the lights. I love the colors. I love to make Christmas chains and I want to bake cookies (I tried last year but it didn't really work out. This year's the year!) I love Christmas music. I love the carolers. I love children in Christmas plays (again, something that didn't quite work out last year. This year I hope to make it to the play.) I love the smell of Christmas trees and the smell of chai.
I love the giving and the love that people let out of themselves this one time a year. It's a shame we seem to lock it all back up once January hits.
You may notice signs around Christmas time that read: "Jesus is the reason for the season".
This is true. And I'm pretty sure Jesus didn't turn his calendar to January and quit loving others with as much enthusiasm.

OH! I am sooo excited! Lights, and cookies, and chains, and trees and the Christmas movies and love for one another in the air!!! This time of year really goes after all of my senses. I just love it!
Man, am I pumped!
I wonder if it's too early to wear a hat at work....


Rachel said...

It's true!! I always say how it feels like Christmas when I'm happy! :) What a great movie! WEE!! IT DOES FEEL LIKE CHRISTMAS!!!!

Laura said...

Thought you of you when i saw this....