Thursday, May 14, 2009

Chain Mail

I just finished reading Bren's blog and I am once again feeling inspired. Funny (not in a 'ha ha' kind of way) how that would be. Bren's blog was all about feeling inspired from Jake. And in turn, I am feeling inspired by Bren. Bren concluded her thoughts with words from Jake: "be you".
This could easily make a sarcastic person such as myself go: DUH! I'm not going to be Sally Jesse Raphael (whatever happened to her?) But I can't do that because when I hear about Bren's inspiration so beautifully written concluded with such an obvious statement, it makes me do a mental double-take. "Oh yeah! I just need to be me!"
It is so easy to walk numbly in this world. Even if you have a goal you're reaching for beneath all the muck, it is too easy to lose your passion on your way to getting there.
There have been a few times in the recent past where I have come across something or someone that has inspired me; that has reminded me of that little flame inside and reminded me that it's ok to let it burn aloud.
Yesterday I was noticing that my little flame seemed to have shrunken back some. I have an idea why and I know what I need to do but I wasn't having the motivation to get where I need to be going.
As it turns out it is such a simple solution: I just need to be me and not let the Duh!
Sometimes our little flames get put out by all the smog in the world and we need to come across another flame to light ours up again. Thank you Bren, soo much for being your optimistic, cheerful self and helping my little fire burn! And thanks to Jake (and Tom and Stewie - were those the right names??) for inspiring Bren who could in turn inspire me to do the things I long to do and help me feel refreshed and excited about them once again. Thank you!! :D


Bren said...

Thank you Elsie Lou!! I miss you and hope that you are having a wonderful time! It is amazing what those two words can do for you! It has been so crazy, wonderful, emotional, happy, sad and just all around inspiring. Thank you for being who you are! When do you come home?

Rachel said...

Sometimes the hardest part is figuring out who "you" is. When I think I know who I am, something else comes along and I learn something new about myself.