Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Those Crazy College Kids

So now that I am finally adjusting and finding my groove, school is almost out. That’s right, this is the last month of school! That is so crazy to me! Where on earth has the time gone? I bet you’re wondering too! Or more, wondering what I have been doing. Let me try to update you as best I can. .
So I entered school in January. I knew right away that this time would be different; this time I would get involved. My involvement started by going on a fellowship retreat. Fellowships are like a club/sorority kind of thing (it’s hard to explain). I am in the Pandas and the brother fellowship is the Trojans. We all gathered together for a overnight trip to the beach where we would stay at a church. A highlight from that is when we played sardines and Rob hid in the rafters with all the insulation. Nice one Rob! Then a couple of girls and myself decided to block the boys upstairs. Such shinanagins! Here are a couple of pictures from the trip:

Next up was Winter Formal. Because I came in the middle of the year and no one really knows me, I didn’t expect to be asked to go with anyone. That would not stop me! A chance to get dressed up, heck yes! I’m in! So I went with a friend. It was A LOT of fun!! Seriously. We were all kind of mixing it up and doing silly things so I threw in my crazy-let your limbs fly as they will-dance that I like The Seizure and there was a small group of people that started doing it!! It was so amazing! I also danced with a guy who dipped me (Exciting!) and another fella who was just a very smooth dancer so he gets special mention for that. The night was also really fun because several times we all coordinated while dancing. It was really cool! Just like in the movies!! People (Cody!) always says that sruff never happens but it totally does! :D

The next “big event” was Spring Break. Woooo. Parrtaaaay! Just kidding..Here’s how I spent the first part:

Then I got to feeling a little better and hung out with my new friend Kyrsten:

After Spring Break I had “Roomies” to look forward to. Roomies is an event where you are to set up your roommate on a mystery date (assuming you live in the dorms). Then you and your date are tied together (at the legs) for an evening of games. Since I don’t have a roommate and wanted to go I had to ask around. If you didn’t already know, Corban has a ratio of 3 to 1.. Not in my favor. It was a challenge to find someone but fortunately, the day before I did. I asked Bart and he agreed. Next we had to pick a decade to dress up as. We picked the 70’s. (This is not far from Bart’s usual attire.) The evening was pretty fun. At the end, after we untied ourselves Bart and I kept looking for each other when we wanted to walk away because we weren’t used to being by ourselves anymore!! It was really funny! The part of the evening I DIDN’T like was the goldfish eating. No, no. You read right. Eating goldfish. Yes, live ones. I didn’t do it but Bart did. It took him awhile to get one and he kept instinctively spitting in the water. When he finally did get one he spit it out and then was told he had to actually eat it. “But look! I chewed it! See?”
“No, you have to swallow it!”
This is the time I almost untied myself and walked away. It was causing me great anxiety. I told him: “Just chew it and get it over with or let’s walk away and move on!” – I really couldn’t handle it anymore.. I couldn’t really handle it to begin with. So other than that – and Bart apparently not knowing how to bend his knees when he walks! – The evening was a good one:

That about wraps it up for now, but do stay tuned in for more (not that I know when I'll get around to it again!) My future plans include staying busy with an indapendent study course and in June heading off to CA to work a snack bar/gift shop at a Christian summer camp. I am very excited and will do my best to keep ya'll posted!


Unknown said...

I read your blog, and do so regularly.

Rachel said...

Woo! I'm glad you are enjoying your college experienc, Pidge! Keep up the good work! We're proud of you! :)