Monday, April 20, 2009

In my skin

This week so far has been spectacular. I can't say for sure what it is but it doesn't really matter. The sun has been shining and my insides hurt from laughing so much. I just don't think there's anything wrong with that!
I am also finding a peace with myself and I can’t tell you how good that feels! Sometimes it is easy to lose yourself or find yourself when you are surrounded by many different age groups, because with that, generally comes different stages of life and you find yourself trying to adapt yet maintain a balance. It’s tricky business and I don’t think I’m a huge fan. Fortunately I have met a couple of people my own age (which is WAY exciting) and they have unknowingly helped me to find a balance and peace. It is so nice and relaxing to find people I can relate to and who take me as I am. I don’t feel I have to do any adapting and it is so wonderful! They are such nice people and inspiring too! I am so excited about new found friendship(s) and can’t wait to get to know them better.
I am especially excited about this because as I said, they have helped me to find a peace and balance. I am finally feeling comfortable in my own skin again. I think it helps that I met these fine folk during the 80’s dance… so they know I have style! I feel really comfortable around them and in turn, comfortable with myself.
It is kind of sad that I am just now meeting these people – because the year is rounding off – but they are in my life now and I hope it stays that way!


Unknown said...

I read this blog!