Monday, December 7, 2009

Elsie's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Pretty much, my Thanksgiving was amazing. There's not really any other way to put it. I don't mean to bring any one down or make anyone jealous. I just speaketh the truth. Let me tell you all about it:

My Thanksgiving break started on that Tuesday. I believe it was the 23rd. I had class that day. I didn't exactly pay my greatest attention. In my last class I may have been involved in a game of hangman. Allegedly. After that I rushed out the door to head to my moms office to meet her so she could take me to the train station. WOO!!! SO excited! This is what the train looks like when it's not there:

The train eventually came and left - with me on it! I spent the next 15 hours waiting to arrive in Sacramento. Fortunately the girl I sat next too was friendly. And the conductors were rather quirky too. They played on their speakers and was sure to give us updates on the big game. This usually happen as the girl next to me was on the phone with her husband. SHe was a good sport about it and we laughed. Ha ha ha.. (Like that).
When I got to Sacramento, Missy (who paid for the whole trip! THANK YOU!)and Auntie (her aunt) picked me. We then went to Aunties house where I felt like I slept for an hour at least. Apparently it was a whole 15 minuets. Either way, it felt great.
After my nap we headed to Clovis where Missy lives. The drive there was interesting. Auntie and Missy are fun people to be around. And holiday traffic is a blast!

Once we were in Clovis, I became anxious. I had big plans to surprise a friend I had been talking with on the phone (a friend of a friend who I had yet to meet - though we had a date planned for the upcoming Friday). I wasn't sure how it was going to go. How do you approach some one you've never met but talked with so much? I didn't know either.. But I was going to find out. This fella was in class so I sent him this picture message to let him know he had a surprise:

This means: SURPRISE!! I'm at your school! - Apparently his first thought was "Oh.. My car's a mess" Men. Such deep thinkers!
Anyway, so Missy insisted on going in with me to make sure we were at the right part of the school. We walked in and saw a classroom - students and all. We figured this was it. I felt nervous 'cause the professor could see out the window of the door and I didn't want him to think anything fishy was going on - though he'd have good reason to.
I was kinda wrapped up in this thought and out of no where Missy darts down the hall! I had no idea what she was doing! I just knew she ran so I must run too! So I ran down the other hall!I of course figured the prof. was out to see what in the haystacks was going on.. After a minuet or so, I peered around the corner where Missy was pointing and mouthing: He's in the bathroom!
We then met up and she informed me that the guy I was waiting for was in the restroom. AH! We didn't know if he'd been witness to our shenanigans but I did know that it was time for Missy to leave. I didn't want to insult her but I hadn't even met the guy and I felt it would be double awkward to have to introduce my friend as well as myself. So Missy left - and then texted to make sure all was ok. I love her!
All was ok. He came out of the bathroom and I was all ready to stand there awkwardly but he hugged me. Good move! It was a shirt hang out session as he had things to do, what with not having expected me to show up and all. So he dropped me off at Missy's where I plopped into bed and got a good nights rest.
Here's what a sexy lady looks like after a good nights rest:

Oooh. Shexshay. And ready for the holiday. Thanksgiving had arrived!To celebrate, we went to Missy's grandparents house where they firmly believe in the 'you kill it, we grill it' motto:

Just kidding.
While I was waiting for the big feast to be ready, I got to enjoy some California sunshine!

(and the picture I send via picture message that apparently made everyone in Oregon mad at me):

It was worth it! How could you not want to be here! SO beautiful!I had SUCH a good time! But there was still more to do!
After the meal and soaking up the sun, it was time to head back to town. Missy had to doggy sit. So we hit the store and loaded up on girlie magazines, ice cream, candy and girlie movies! IT WAS A BLAST!!! I don't really have girlie friends like Missy back home and I'd really been craving some girl time. It was MUCH needed and I can't thank her enough for all she did for me and the great time I had with her. What a huge blessing having her in my life!
After a night of ice cream and more shenanigans we got up early to hit the stores - mainly target. The lines were long and I was pretty sure my stomach was going to explode from hunger but other than that, it wasn't so bad. I purchased a book that kept us entertained and very informed for my upcoming date. This book is called: Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man.
Thank you, Steve Harvey for all your great input and advice! I highly recommend this book! It's funny AND informative.
So after gaining much knowledge on how to think like a man and act like a lady (I'm not sure which part I need more help with!)I got ready for my date. WEEE!
It started off about 20 minuets late. But that's ok. Because he called. POINTS.
We then went to get coffee. I had him pick my beverage. I don't remember what it was but I do remember it was good. I could go for another one..
We then went to go see Fantastic Mr. Fox. I liked it and I believe he did too. Good pick.
After the movie we had plans to go to a park but it turned out that I accidentally packed Oregon weather and it started to rain. We skipped ahead in our plans and headed to his house to watch Elf and drink cocoa. But first, we had to get pizza and cookies. Why? Because early I had mentioned wanting pizza and cookies. And he was a very good sport. So off we went:

While we waited for the pizza, I saw this outside:

Isn't it beautiful? It was actually a double rainbow but the other one got camera shy.
After we got the pizza we headed towards his house to continue the date - which went pretty well. However, we concluded that it wasn't going to work out. There were a number of reasons: His stage in life. My stage in life. Recognition that those aren't components equivalent to a relationship (thanks Mr. H.!). But it was still a good time. After the movie and some chit chat he drove me back to Missy's where I once again, plopped down for a good nights rest.
The next morning was the beginning of the dreaded day: Saturday. The day I had to leave the magical land of California.
We spent most of the day being lazy. Which was fantastic. We stayed in jammies and watched some make-over show. Then realized it would in fact work out for me to go see my favorite family of 13: The Samualsons! So we scurried along to get ready to go.
I was so excited I was going to be able to see them! I missed them all so much! I called them on the way there (to make sure they were home) and then "had to go".. I wanted to keep it a surprise. When we got there I just walked right on it and got a huge hug sandwich! It was amazing! I couldn't stay long as I had a flight to catch but it was SOO good to see them. And there were only 2 that weren't there. 11 out of 13 isn't bad for a surprise visit.
It wasn't long (not long enough) into the visit that Missy informed me it was time to go. So we said our goodbyes and headed towards the airport.
I was so so so so so sad to leave. But I had an AMAZING time. I love being there. I love the people I get to see. I love the feeling of welcome-ness. Thank you SOO much, Missy for all that you've done and do for me! I love you!


Laura said...

I didn't even know you went to cali for break, how did I not know this? Why am I a crappy friend... looks like you had fun! I miss you Lou