Thursday, June 25, 2009

In a bubble

Today someone came outside the A-frame camp building and announced that Michael Jackson had died. I don't know if this is true or not. Whether he is alive or dead is not really the subject matter, however it is what got me to thinking about it: I have no idea what is going on in the world around me.
I haven't heard or seen or read news in over 2 weeks. The most gossip I have is who likes who and what so-and-so didn't like about the last meal and what goes on in the personal lives of those who surround me in this little community of Sugar Pine.
I am not complaining. How can one complain when there isn't a window into the harshness the world has to offer? I can't. The only complain I have is the fact that I can't do anything about the world that continues to go outside the tree built wall I currently live in.
This week at Timber (the kids camp) was a group of kids brought in by the Kings County sheriffs Dept. The kids are low income, or come from bad homes.
I got to hanging out with the officers and this evening, one was talking with me about how there were some kids who had never smiled so much until this week and how he had to go put them back in the dump he got them from only a week ago. This was the best week of some of those kid's lives and now they have to return to the world. And I can't do a thing about it.
There are about 80 children. I can't save them. I can only be thankful that God is bigger than the world.


Laura said...

ok first off, yeah for new blog (though I understand why you can not blog), second bryndles wedding... AMAZING! Got some good stuff for you to see. Third, good old MJ did die, heart attack, also Farrah Fawcett and Ed McMahon died this week as well. Weird stuff. Fourth, I need your camp address! AND lastly.... love the post card THANK YOU!! I miss you lou, so much, much more than I thought, makes me really sad we didn't hang out that last week as much! LOVE YOU LADY!!! Keep up the good work.