Thursday, November 20, 2008

Something a little special! ;)

I love dancing. I can't say I am good at it, but I love doing it. Sometimes when I am listening to my ipod on the bus or walking to/from the bus stop, it takes everything in me not to start bustin' a move for the world to see. Dancing makes me feel better. Often times when I am feeling down, I just need to pump up the music and and do a little groovin' to perk myself up. I just love music cause it makes me dance. And I love dancing!
I turn my music player on and up whenever I can. I especially love to have it going while I'm getting ready for things. I like to have it on in the mornings while I get ready for work, and I like to have it on at night while I shower and get ready for bed.
This weeks feature is a 90's mix. It really gets me going. Tonight I had that playing while I was in the shower. And just as I was lathering my hair (before rinsing and repeating, of course) a very special song came on. A song that really touched my heart. A song that I'm sure has touched hearts all across America, if not all across the world.
This song came on and I stopped my lathering. I laid my hands out in front of me. And I did a little something I like to call...
The Macarena
Yes. I Macarena-d in the shower. But not only did I do that, I STOPPED what I was doing to macarena!! (though I tried to rinse during the parts of the song it wasn't necessary for me to use my arms).
I macarena-d my little heart out. And it was fun. Good. Clean. Fun. (Get it?) I highy reccommend you try it. You'll feel better. You'll feel happier. You'll feel like you did when you were a kid. Ah, what fond memories. Remember that time when some one decided it was a good idea to make a song that no one understands 95% of the lyrics too? It's called Macarena. And it's time you dance:

And incase you aren't sure how to do it (cause they totally didn't even do it right in that first video.. amatures!):

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Update - Ooh a game!

This is just a short update on life. I know it's been a little bit but a short update is better than none at all right? Right. So for this update, I would like to invite you all to do a little exercise. For this exercise, you will need 4 cotton balls, a small hammer, a snack, and a teaspoon of molasses (snack, optional.)
I'll wait here while you go get those things.
. . . . .
Ready? Great. So first, you take two of the cotton balls, and you put one in each of your ears. "What's that?", you say. . Precisely!
Next, Take just one droplet of molasses and stick it up in your nose. Just one nostril will do. This should create a nice slow 'runny' effect. Now, take the remaining cotton balls, and go ahead and shove one up in each nostril.
You might be wondering why I'm having you block your molasses with a cotton ball. The answer to that is easy: Who knows why these things happen.
Ready for the next step? Good. Go ahead and pick up that there hammer.. Yep. Just pick 'er on up.. And find your left temple. I want you to go ahead and give your temple a little tap with the ol hammer. Be real gentle now. You don't want to bruise or break anything.
Once you've done that, you should feel a pain in your head. If you are not feeling a pain, try again.
If you brought a snack, I want you to try to eat it. If you feel like you are either a) suffocating due to lack of oxygen intake through your nose, or b) looking like a complete fool chewing and throwing your head back trying to get air in past the food (because you can't breathe through your nose) then you have done the exercise correctly and are now update on how I am doing.
If you would like to go for extra credit on the assignment, take the remaining molasses and swallow it. - This should be equivalent to the thickness of my saliva (though in all fairness, it has thinned out, so you may drink water until the molasses has dissolved.)
I hope you enjoyed the exercise - and the update!

I highly suggest everyone take vitamins (I'm partial to Flintstones), eat properly, and get plenty of rest. I also recommend washing your hands frequently. Washing your hands is the number one way to prevent spreading germs.