Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Unfortunately, we have to burn the house down. . .

I think it's for the best. I think if we burn down the house and start over, we might be able to forget it.
This morning, about 5:30, I woke to Zoey barking and my mom whisper-yelling: "ZOEY! ZOEY, GET OVER HERE! . . . ZOEY!"
I looked out my window and saw my mom and the dog standing in the yard. I put on my robe ready to go out and see what was going on. As I turned to head for my bedroom door, the barking stopped. They must be inside. Just as I finish that thought, my old habit of inhale/exhale once again turns against me. My room is suddenly filled with the most horrid smell. Though, thinking back to Zoeys last gift, it might be a toss up. The difference is, this smell is like tar. It's sticky in a sense. It's hard to get rid of.
Have you figured it out yet? Zoey made a friend. We call this friend "skunk"
I walked out in the kitchen. That was a mistake. It reeked of a burnt rubber smell. Once again, an overpowering, nauseating odor. Skunk smells bad when you pass it on the road. It's like a whole new level of stink when it's in your house and yard.
My mom ran to the store to get tomato juice to bathe Zoey in to help with the smell. -Right that down. Should you or anything you own or care about befriend a skunk, you'll want to know how to treat the aftermath of that relationship.
Our house smells rancid. Mom has taken an optimistic route and states how at least it doesn't smell like dog pee anymore. Good point, Mom. Way to look on the bright side of things.
Zoey currently smells like a wonderful combination of tomato juice, dog, and skunk. I was thinking of seeing if I couldn't bottle that smell up and sell it to Avon. I think it'd be a big hit. Maybe we could call it 'last date'.


Laura said...

pretty sure I ordered "marry me now cause your hot and rich" perfume from avon but I think I got "last date" instead!!! BOO for me!

Unknown said...

Wow!!! I started laughing my butt off when I read that.