Sunday, March 22, 2009

I have a dream. . .

Of updating everyone on everything that's going on in my life but I just can't do it right now. I can't. I've tried and I've tried but my head is full of. . .
I just can't think straight. I can't breathe. I can't sleep. I'm bored. And I've been wearing the same clothes for 3 days now. I don't mean to put on a "whoa as me" performance here, but I want you all to know I have tried to let you know what is going on with me. What my plans are. I have plans. Dreams. Big ones! And I'd really like to share them with you. But right now I need to blow my nose, wash my hands. Maybe take a bath. Take a nap. Blow my nose..Definetely need to blow my nose.
I will up date soon. Really. I will.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Something Small

Yesterday I read an encouraging blog and today I came across this quote and I really like it. It encourages me to make sure I am not wasting what God has given me and that I am stretching myself to live life to God's fullest.

"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would
hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left,
and could say, "I used everything you gave me."
-Erma Louise Bombeck

(A special thanks goes to the poster of both encouraging readings).

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Feeling Inspired

When I entered school I was going to church every Sunday. No, I was going TWICE every Sunday. I was really excited and knew that God had the reigns. But before I knew it, I was so caught up in school work and was neglecting the One that got me there in the first place. I read a blog about a woman who had so much to do but felt she too, was neglecting God in her daily walk so she decided to have time for God before she started her day and trust that He would help her accomplish all her tasks. She wrote that she was able to get MORE done doing this. . Connecting her story with my own life, I decided I needed to get back to putting God first. So I started a prayer journal. My plan was to write in this journal before school work, because it is when I am feeling so busy and overwhelmed that is it so easy to neglect God. But it is also when I am so busy and overwhelmed, that I need God the most! For some reason, I put Him on the back burner. So I have this prayer journal that I sometimes write in but more often neglect.
I have also noticed that I am dissapointed that I am not as active in church; granted I am between churches right now, when I go to a church I don't stay as long as I could and I have missed a couple of Sunday's. I am not a fan of this.
Not having put too much thought into all this, other than thinking I need to get better at it, I came across another blog and what was it about? Time with God and putting Him first. This blog reminded me how it's easy to get caught up in the petty things of life, and get distracted by the opposite sex (have I mentioned how many attractive boys there are at school?) I was reminded that if I'm going to let God take control, I need to give Him ALL the control. It is easy for me to want to step in and do what I want, but if my desires are to meet ultimate happiness, leaving it up to myself is the wrong game plan. I can not live for myself or others, but I must live for God.
Re-realizing this is soo refreshing to me. I am so glad I came across that blog and I am so glad that there are people in my life who believe what I believe, who want the same things, and who can support my walk as I support theirs - even if it's behind the scenes of life (in forms of blogs!)
I am going to make sure I make time with God everyday and find a church to get involved in. I really miss having a church to go to all the time so hopefully that will come about soon for me. Maybe I'll go talk it over with God! :)